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Email marketing is a direct marketing channel that lets businesses share new products, sales, and updates with customers on their contact list. Its high ROI makes it crucial to most businesses’ overall inbound strategy.

62% of consumers ranked email in their top preferred communication channels

80% of Americans check their email at least once per day,

In 2020, there were over 4 billion global email users.

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Agency 17D

The Benefits of Email Marketing

From order confirmations to newsletters, emails are an essential part of the growth and management of your business.


Launching a sale or promotion? You can send your subscribers an email marketing campaign to drive sales

Brand awareness

What’s great about email is that it lets you reach someone directly. It’s one-to-one communication at its best. And people don’t just let anyone into their inbox these days.

Customer loyalty

Email drives customer loyalty at every stage of the buyer journey: lead-nurturing, conversion, onboarding, retention.

Why Email Marketing Is Important ?

Email isn’t a new technology. In fact, it was one of the very first means of digital communication to arrive back in 1971. But at 50 years old, email marketing is used today more than ever before. Finally, what makes email marketing so powerful and lucrative is that it gives you direct, individual access to your audience’s inboxes. 

More Traffic Generate
More customers reach
Increasing leads
Increasing sales
Benefits of email marketing Email Marketing

the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered. It involves using email to send advertisements, request business, or solicit sales or donations. benefits high ROI and brand awareness  It can help make your customers aware of your latest items or offers by integrating it into your marketing automation efforts.

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